Phillipa Davies | Apr 12, 2024
This briefing outlines future changes to our iCaSH service in Suffolk.
Following the conclusion of a competitive tender process led by the Public Health team at Suffolk County Council, iCaSH Suffolk will be transferred to and delivered by Provide Community Interest Company (CIC) from 1 May 2024.
This means that your clinical care will transfer to Provide CIC from 1 May 2024. Provide CIC will have access to your sexual health records in order to provide continuity of safe and effective care. Your personal data will be transferred securely and confidentially in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation.
You will continue to receive the same high standard of care and regular medication (if appropriate) provided by the same staff, in the same locations/buildings.
Provide Community is a Social Enterprise and is experienced in delivering sexual health services across Essex through the Essex Sexual Health Service.
We hope the changes will cause minimal disruption to your care, however if you have any concerns or require any further information, please contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) on 0300 131 1000 or email
If you prefer the new provider: Provide CIC not to have access to your sexual health records, please ensure you speak with the iCaSH team before the transfer to opt out.