Research in iCaSH - an update

Home-based Intervention Strategy (HIS-UK)

The HIS-UK programme has been designed to help make condom use more enjoyable and to address some of the reasons for non-use.  iCaSH have recently participated in a randomised controlled trial evaluating the ability of HIS-UK to reduce new chlamydia infection among young men aged 16-25 years by promoting correct and consistent condom use.  

Please click here to read the findings of this study.

POPS (Prevalence Of Prophylaxis for STIs) Study

iCaSH have recently participated in the POPS (Prevalence of Prophylaxis for STIs) Study conducted by University College London (UCL) in collaboration with the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) and the National Institute for Health Research Health Protection Research Unit in Blood Borne and Sexually Transmitted Infections (NIHR HPRU BBSTI).  This study aimed to improve understanding of the prevalence and factors associated with the use of antimicrobial agents (antibiotics and oral antiseptics) for the prevention of STIs among users of specialist sexual health services. This will inform future research and the targeting and development of interventions to improve patient and public health.

The study closed in December 2023 and the findings will be published in due course.

NEXUS Study - Understanding syphilis transmission among heterosexuals

Our iCaSH clinics in Peterborough and Bedford are currently participating in the Nexus Study which aims to understand the risk factors, lifestyles and contexts facilitating syphilis transmission among men and women who identify as heterosexual in England.  The study is sponsored by the UKHSA, supported by the NIHR HPRU BBSTI at University College London. 

Recruitment into this study has now closed.

DEVA Study

One iCaSH clinic participated the DEVA study which looked at whether a new antiseptic treatment, dequalinium chloride, is as good at treating bacterial vaginosis (BV) symptoms (such as an unpleasant smell or discharge) as antibiotics.  It is coordinated by the Nottingham Clinical Trials Unit (NCTU) and funded by the National Institute for Health Research Health Technology Assessment Programme. 

Recruitment into this study is now closed.

Positive Voices – National Survey of People Living with HIV 2022

iCaSH participated in this survey, providing insights into the issues that most affect the health and lives of people living with HIV who are 18 years or older and accessing care in the UK.  The study closed on 31st March 2023 and the data is currently under analysis.